Salad Recipes
Not much needs to be done to enjoy our products. Break open a packet of your favourite crackers or cut a carrot into batons and dip away. Or simply arrange our delicious finger foods on a platter and watch them crowd around.
But the potential of our range is so much more, and we want to prove it. So we’ve created our very own recipe page to show you the versatility of our products. Dips to marinate or bake with, finger food transformed into main meals – the limit is your imagination.
So if you’re in need of inspiration, browse our recipes below and you’ll be cooking up a feast in no time!

Greek Salad with Goats Cheese Balls
YIELDS: 4 Servings (as a side) COOK TIME: 20 mins It’s hard to say whether the Greek salad is famous or infamous. Some would argue it has gone the way of the prawn cocktail – a dish from a bygone era, pulled out once in a blue moon for a retro vibe. Others consider it […]